Wednesday, 18 November 2015

An injustice to our Nation; inequity among our people.

Only when the non-indigenous people of this country start asking the question;

“Why is there such inequity within our communities?”
And only when we ask:
“Why are our migrants settlers able to make a good life here; when our own first peoples struggle?”
Only when people stop turning their back on the social inequity that lie at our feet will we begin to make change.

And only when our politicians and our broader community REFUSE to accept inequality, can we begin to pave a way forward.

Our collective country is wounded.

This great continent, made up of so many First Nations and Cultures, and subsequent migrant cultures, is, as they say, “a melting pot”.  And, as such, we MUST come together as one nation of peoples; as Australians. United.
Only then, can we begin to heal.  
Yes, people will have their personal points of view.  

However, we must endeavour to always maintain a world view and an open heart.
We owe it to our future generations.  

We have an obligation to repair the injustice to our First Australians, and to resolve the intolerance and disrespect among our people.

The time has come to acknowledge our shared history and create a unified future.


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